Mon 27 Jan
Get HAND Soaped ►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄► Great Massage + BODYSLIDE *Real photo girlfriend - 23
(Midtown West, midtown 34 street 5 ave Bwy to 3am)
Fun size 👙 Sexy hips 😉 Tight grip 💦 Luscious lips 💋 BEAUTIFUL BORICUA BOMBSHELL AVAIL NOW 😘 - 22
(Bronx, W 170th)
( G_o_R_g_ E_o_U_s ) °°°° ( _S_e_X_y_ ) °°°° ( _B_ e_A _u_T_i _F_u _L ) specials - 30
(Bronx, castlehill/ westchester ave. incalls/out)
♥♡★KiNkY bIg BoOTy RedBone BLOnde Bomshell ♥♡★ AVAILABLE NOW... Call for specials - 22
H O T 🔥 BOMbShELL 💋💣 JUiCY 💦 TiGHt 💥👀 KiLLER Skills 🎩💫 MAGiC hiPS 👄👅 Available Now⬅⌛💙👌 - 24
(hobby, league city, 45s, scarsdale, Houston, Pasadena)
Get HAND Soaped ►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄► Great Massage + BODYSLIDE *Real photo girlfriend - 23
(Bronx, Manhattan, Midtown 34 street 5 ave Bwy to 3am, Midtown West, New Jersey, Other, Westchester)
Get thAt NutOut* Enjoy SenSual Curves Sweet Freak N the Sheets ☆ Sexy Naughtie Sounds of Lust - 23
(Bronx, E169st Incall Clean Discreet Apt 50$80)
jenny&sarah.; 100% real pix. ® Latin dream girl. (150hhr=2girls) . (150hr=1girl) ) ®®®® - 19
(Bronx, e 187st arthur av. by Fordham rd)
It's the time to Fun Fun & more Fun !$60 special !In calls only 347-285-0695 - 20
(Bronx, Westchester & Castle Hill 6 Train)
! FoRBidden ! a Indian & Puerto rican Dime $ 120 hr $ Thick Busty & juicy ( Fet!$h Friendly ) - 21
(Bronx, bronx incalls /bx&manh; outcalls)
♥Island Barbies♥deals u don't wanna miss..Allday& Night Specials - 26
(Bronx, Bronx little italy incalls)
I NeeD Vanilla In My Hot ChocolaTe... FiShnEts & 6inch hEELs •°o♥o°• •°o♥o° NaTaLiE pETITE TreaT - 21
(Bronx, W 260 st & Broadway Condo Riverdale)
GR@D€ A €X0T¡C D¡M€ ~ FUNN¥ P£@¥FU£ C0MP@NN¡0N ~ £0S€ TR@CK 0F T¡M€ W¡TH M€~ MS.HOLLYWOOD - - 23
(Houston, 59s/gessner)
Early Bird Sexy Latina Mix... Available Now Must See **LLAMAME** - 22
(Bronx, By Yankee Stadium (((INCALL ONLY)))))
♡E X P L O S I V E ♡$50 In Spls.【• MOUTH • WATERING • 】! ...& ReADY NoW【spaNKaBℓε αSS KiLLєR CuRvE - 26
(Bronx, Incalls Only)
I W@nnA Pl@y D¤Nt YOu ???? Sp€ci@ls ALL D@Y AnD ALL Nit€ B@bY .... - 21
(Bronx, bronx incalls and outcalls)
I T A L I A N ----- B O M B S H E L L ...H O T ---B L O O D ...J U S T--- 4 -- UUUU - 23
Exotic Brazilian Vacation with Beautiful Bombshell MAE-LYNN :-* - 19
(Bronx, your place, hotel, bronx areas only)
[(Exotic (&&) Yummy )] Up all night come kick it w/Jamaican Spicee )|| - 21
(Midtown East, Manhattan In calls)
Everyman needs a BIG GIRL in this COLD WEATHER W/BIGBOOTY Shapely CuRvy NO Gut Tatted BBW Slim Waist - 25
(Bronx, Whiteplains rd. 240th nereid area)
I wAnT«°»tO«°» PLAY! LeT mY hOt ChOcOLaTe .....DrIp all oVEr YoU $70 SpEacIaLs! - 21
(Bronx, New York)
Early Bird $pecial Cherrys New Pics $pecials 50/80/140 Still up 24/7 - 26
(Bronx, bx incall n outcalls local only)
I Wish You Were Here With Me ( specials) ............... 718 593 2523/ 718 810 0407 - 22
(Bronx, Bronx incalls)
I N C A L L S ❤ 💙 💛 ❤💙💜💛💚WIT THE BIG ❤💙❤💙❤💙💜💛💗BOOTY GODDESS ❤💙💚💛💓💜💛💚❤💙💛❤💙💜💛💚❤💙❤💙❤💙❤ - 23
GiAvONnA =====>> OUT SPC ====>> NATURAL 38 (( DD's)) ! 100% S A T i S F a C T i O n - 24
*~HOt SExY *Pretty *ExoTic* Dominican* Playmate~ 60$ $PECIAL$* *INCALL* SwEeT COME ENJOY~** - 23
(Bronx, 179st UNIVERSITY AVE( IN CALL)*4)
🌴E✖ΘTiCFrعAⓚ ✨AʋaɨʟNOW🍬 💞💋THiCK THiGHS💋 Sʍօҡɛʏ EYES💞 💋skilledLIPS💥tightGRIP💦💋 - 23
(Boston rd Area, Bronx)
💋💋💋💃💃👀hey guys freaky type columbian DD'S real no rush no fakes 100%gatented - 25
(Bronx, White plains road)
"HORNY" ●💗 — 😉▶DOMINICAN 60 ◀ 😉— 💗● ♡ B E A U T Y ♡ ● — ▶ AVAiLABLE NOW ((SPECIAL=60)) - 23
❤❤CREAM ⭕ Honey GIRLS ⭕ ❤ CREAMY Busty Girls C⭕ 💖💖 BODYSLIDE ⭕ CREAM open LATE Real Photos ~~ !! - 23
(Bronx, Manhattan, Midtown West, midtown west 56 street 8 ave, New Jersey, Other, Westchester)
❤❤❤❤ True Sweetheart ❤❤❤❤ Bubble gum 🍬YUM 🍡YUM 🍬Available now 70special 🍁🍁 Don't miss out💖 - 23
(East Bay, Hayward,San Leandro,Castro Valley)
CREAM ⭕ Honey GIRLS ⭕ ❤ CREAMY Busty Girls C⭕ 💖💖 BODYSLIDE ⭕ CREAM open LATE Real Photos - 23
(Midtown West, midtown west 56 street 8 ave)
dominican lady ready *150hr* 100% real pics BUBBLE booty sexyy *100half**- WOW - 20
(Bronx, bronxpark motel fordham rd crotona av)
🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺 ▬▬▬▬ HoT ASIAN FEMALE 100% SEXY ▬▬▬▬ 🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Japanese Girls Escorts ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ U🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺 - 18
(Manhattan, Upper Manhattan, 🔴🔴🔴—24/hr—Reservation—Outcall—Service🔴🔴👙)
!!!!!!DaYtImE SPECIAL!!!!!!•:☆:• LeT Me Be Ur DiRtY LiL GirL☆ LeTs PlAy All DAy And All NigHt☆:• - 25
(Bronx, Yonkers)